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Register here to attend our event!


When: Saturday,  April 29, 8:30am-4pm
Where: The Lord's New Church at 1725 Huntingdon Road, Huntingdon Valley PA 19006, and virtually on Zoom.

   We will look at "Feminine Spiritualities" from both Swedenborgian and other perspectives, with informational and creative activities. The program is intended for everyone, so that we can all better understand and appreciate the gifts of feminine spiritualities for our faith communities. There will also be some free time for relaxing or enjoying spring's arrival to the property.  The day's schedule will be:

8:30 AM- Continental breakfast
9:00 AM- Rev. Tom Rose welcomes guests
9:15 AM- Feminine Spiritualities Presentation
10:30 AM- Split into Creativity Groups:
                 Theater, Music, Art, or Writing
12:00 PM- Lunch/free time
1:30 PM- Show and Tell from Creativity Groups
2:30 PM- Swedenborg's Feminine Spirituality Presentation
3:30 PM- Discussion
4:00 PM- Program ends, visiting time, clean-up

The Zoom information is:, meeting ID 954 8656 3516.  Attending on Zoom is free.

Registration on or after 4/19/2023 is $25.00
(If you wish to join us for only part of the day, you are welcome to!  But you must still register.) 
Please register using the form below:


If attending in person, be sure to complete your registration using the DONATE button below!  Thank-you!

If attending in person, please use this button to complete your registration:

If you do not use Paypal, please contact
Roslyn at to arrange another form of payment.  Thank-you!

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