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Writer's pictureLinda Odhner, with photos by Liz Kufs

Excerpted Inspirations #138: Down Memory Lane

[A mathematical representation of the intertwined complementary qualities of male and female in the universe.]       The Mandelbrot set is a mathematical object that has amazing features.  It arises by  repeatedly multiplying and adding according to a simple formula. Its largest region is a cardioid, and there are infinitely many round regions touching the cardioid and other round regions in infinite sequences, and from the cluster points of these regions,  filaments extend that have everywhere miniature images of the whole Mandelbrot set embedded in them, but not exact images – each of these infinitely many miniatures has all the details of the whole Mandelbrot Set, but with variations that make it unique. The filaments form beautiful, lifelike patterns.  				     The Mandelbrot Set has a female side and  				a male side.  At the female side, near the cusp  				of the cardioid, the filaments curl into spirals,  				but at the male side they stick out as spikes.   				The maleness of the male side is spiky in every 				smallest part, and the femaleness of the female 				side is curly in every smallest part.  Yes, there  				are curly spirals at the female sides of the  				miniatures at the male end, but those spiral 				have spikes coming out of them everywhere,  				and at the female side, the miniatures have  				male ends with spikes, but those spikes have  				spirals all around.  Between the parts I have  				called the male and female sides there are also  				parts where the filaments are zig-zaggy, parts  				where they are bushy, and parts where 				they have intermediate characteristics.       -Dewey Odhner (2000), “New Church Women’s Roles List”       (reprinted with permission of the  author.)

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